Friday, February 27, 2009

My HubPage Address:

By the way, here is my link, if anyone is interested!

Please feel free to leave comments! (there OR here!) OR BOTH!!!

A Short Story of a Dragonfly:

So, my screen name, dragonfly2677 is the reason for this title. (Good one, I thought.) Anyway, my real name is Shannon, so please feel free to call me that...
In this pic, is my youngest daughter, Piper, and I. (She's a little monster! ...but SO smart for her age!!!)

I am married, (six years this August 28th!), I have four children, ages 13...11...6...and 4. (A boy, and three girls). My husband and kids are my life, which I assume would be the words of any wife and mother... I don't work outside the home right now, but my youngest will be starting school in September, so I figure I should start something now, and get in the habit of "employment" again. (I haven't worked outside the home in almost six years, so I'm a little out of practice!)

Just a few weeks ago, I came across "", and made myself a profile there, and it's been an obsession every since! I think I'm doing okay so far. I am already up, almost to $60 now! (WOO-HOO!) This is where I heard about "", and WA-LA, here I am... writing my first blog. (Ha ha ha)

I am always looking for great topics to hub about (and now, blog about) If you checked me out on HubPages, you'll see that I don't devour one subject until I'm sick of it... I take in the whole menu, giving and taking samples of everything...

My interests range anywhere from books and literature, and poetic prose, to Witchcraft, Heart Disease, Depression, HIPPIES, Hairstyles... You name it, I'll write about it... Maybe someday, someone "who matters" will notice me, and offer me the role of President of the U.S, the next pope, or simply, just a JOB would be nice...

Not to make this too short, but I must get my "bee-hive" in gear if I want to accomplish anything today... My husband will be home today, (IT'S FRIDAY!) and I must catch up on everything I have let go of in the past couple of days!!!
So, until next time- Bon Voyage! (Or however you say that... It's french...Isn't it?) Ha ha ha.
Have a good day all!
}i{ <----------(this is my "signiture"...looks like a dragonfly, right?)